You need not be afraid of the Swiss ball, nor should you disregard its ability to give you a killer ab workout.
It is your frienemy, whom you will love and hate in equal measures!
A simple plank is made satisfactorily more difficult (read: result inducing) by performing it on a Swiss ball. Assume a traditional plank position, but with your forearms on the ball - make sure your shoulders still remain above your elbows. The instability of the ball will further engage your core, as well as your shoulders, which must stabilize the ball into a fixed position. Of course, the alignment between your heals and your shoulders MUST remain straight, your shoulder blades MUST be kept back and down and your abs MUST be super, super, super tight - I like to think of my belly button being drawn in toward my spine, just for extra effort.
Now, hold for as long as possible...if you make it past 60 seconds, start raising one foot off the floor and holding it for 6...7...8...9...10 seconds and then switch, eventually alternating for 6 sets of 10 second intervals.
The fun with which you can have on a Swiss ball are limitless...so stay tuned for more ab-tastic times.
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