Having just returned from the land of pints and pies, the sacred temple which is my body took a hiatus and enjoyed a mini-break from the Markie de Sade...an essential part of every gym bunny's regime! Not to say that I didn't remain active - having walked all over London with the obligatory daily-ish visit to my old gym - but my workouts were more like catch-ups and my diet teetered near the deathly edge of a gluttonous sloth...
I digress to my tendencies for hyperbole.
Anyway! My time away from a stricter regime has renewed my lust for health and upon return to my local Wholefoods in Chelsea, I stocked up on essentials to keep my typically insatiable appetite...satiated:
1. Almonds
2. Oatmeal
3. Salmon
4. Quinoa
5. Black Beans
Together, these foods have enough muscle-building protein, rib-sticking fiber and healthy unsaturated fat to keep your cravings for more more more at bay...if all else fails, magnet a photo of obesity on your fridge door - works like a charm.
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