Monday, May 11, 2009


Loves me some GABA - and you should, too!

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is the most important and abundant amino acid in the brain - though, it is often classified as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. In addition to inducing relaxation and sleep, GABA stimulates the anterior pituitary.

(I hear an echo of confused mmhmmm's)

A stimulated anterior pituitary leads to higher levels of HGH...yes, dear gym bunnies, the very lovely, very potent, very sought after Human Growth Hormone. Most of you may already know that HGH is anabolic (muscle building) and lipotropic (fat preventing), but it also has anti-aging, it's as though you're revisiting puberty, minus the awkward erections and crater face catastrophes. 

Take note, however, that GABA merely helps the production of natural occurring HGH, which decreases with age. To out source supplemental HGH - (that's my polite term for shooting up) - is opening a can of really ugly, disease ridden worms that will be wreck havoc on your system and I by no means endorse sticking needles in your butt, unless prescribed by your physician.


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