Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gimme a V! Help for Mastering Pullups

Dear Trainer Mark,

I know that pullups are the ultimate back exercise, helping to create that much sought-after V-shape. Unfortunately, I can't seem to make it past the 2nd rep - and attempting the 3rd is a huge embarrassment.


Dear Wee-V,

Ah, yes! There is nothing like gawking at the back half of a man, whose tiny little waist is accentuated by the flares of latissimus dorsi that build into the beautiful wings of a V...

To achieve this supreme figure of god-like proportions is incredibly difficult and certainly is not sculpted overnight, so remove your cloak of shame. Try a couple of variations to the traditional pullup, methodically building your way to the ultimate V.

Start by using the easier neutral-grip (ie palms facing each other); by calling upon forearm/biceps re-enforcements, you will be able to lift your own body weight with more ease. As your back becomes stronger, progress to the underhand grip (ie palms facing you). You will still be receiving assistance from your biceps, but in short order you will be switching to your final destination: the overhand grip pullup.

As well, don't be embarrassed over your 2-rep max; instead, of focusing on a lot of reps, focus on a lot of sets. Using the variations just mentioned, use the following as a guideline:

Week 1: 6 sets of 2 reps, twice a week
Week 2: 5 sets of 3 reps, twice a week
Week 3: 4 sets of 4 reps, twice a week
Week 4: 3 sets of 6-8 reps, twice a week

Remember, this is simply a guideline - play with the variations and master these; however, if you are still struggling with the overhand grip pullup, continue with the variations, but add a weight belt and build strength accordingly.

Happy V-ing,

Trainer Mark

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