Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pre-Workout Energy Boosters

Life is tough, so you have to train tougher. Sometimes, it's far more tempting to hit the bar for a post-work drink than it is to hit the gym for a post-work workout. Since everything seems a bit more manageable after a good sweat, make sure you attack the gym like life attacks you. 

To that end, what are the best pre-workout diet formulas which will guarantee as intense a session as you're necessitating, physically and mentally?

Below are a few suggestions, dependent on whether you prefer solid food or liquid prior to training - just make sure you allow enough time for proper digestion: I've induced more rush-to-the-toilets due to rush-before-training-snacks than my clients would care to admit. Generally give 30 minutes for liquids and 60 - 90 minutes for solids.

1. Homemade Elixer: 6 oz unsweetened ice tea (preferable green or white) + 6 oz of pure berry juice (blueberry, pomegranate or cherry from a health food shop*) + 15 - 20 gm of whey protein + vitamin B

2.  Complex Carbs (for sustained energy) + Simple Carbs (for natural liveliness): oatmeal or shredded wheat with fruit (banana, mango, pineapple)

3. Supplements: supplements are a tricky thing...since they can be quite strong and have varying degrees of affect on the individual person. Keeping that in mind, it is smart to start with a smaller than prescribed dosage to assess your own relationship with the supplement. Personally, I like N.O-Xplode, Super Charge (by Labrada) or Spike (by Biotest): the boosts are super and immediate, the pumps are fantastic and the crashes are non-existent.

Remember, as well, one of my favorite mottos: 


If you are TRULY exhausted and TRULY feel that a day of rest would serve your goals better, then listen to your body. Rest is essential for mental health and muscle growth - besides, with guilt riddling your conscious for having skipped the gym, you will go the following day brimming with all the motivation you previously lacked: every rep will count, every set will be a success, every session will be your best...and to that I say:


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