Monday, May 18, 2009

Pushup Pansies: Are You One of Them?

Most gym bunnies prefer the bench press to the push up - understandably so, since they are more likely to be asked how much they can bench - (GRUNT!) - than how many push ups they can do.

Do you think that you're beyond the push up - dismissing it as a rudimentary exercise that doesn't challenge you as the bench press does? If so, I challenge you:

Assume a pushup position, but! Place your feet on a bench and then have a fellow gym bunny place a 25 pound plate on your back, falling into the valley of your shoulder blades. Now...perform 20 push ups with PERFECT FORM, bitches. As a refresher, perfect form keeps the body rigid, in a straight line from your ankles to your head and has the nose touching the floor. Until you pass this wee little tittie test, there's no reason to continue with your grunt-a-licious bench press. Besides training your chest and triceps, the pushup engages your lats, core and pretty well every other muscle in your upper body...and to that I say: 


If you successfully pass the test, I commend you and offer you another challenge by performing the exercise with your hands on a BOSU ball - (rounded part on floor) - as this adds an element of instability and forces your core and shoulders to work harder.

Happy pushing - may you no longer opt for pansy status.

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