Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Isometrics = Buildometrics

Dear Trainer Mark,

What is your opinion on isometrics?


Dear Stuck,

First off, let me explain to those who don't know what an isometric exercise is. The concept of isometrics involves holding/pausing a weight - (which could be your own body weight) - such that the length of the contracted muscle does not is neither in concentric (ie positive) motion nor eccentric (ie negative) motion. For instance, in a bicep curl, you would hold at the halfway point of your curl, with your forearm parallel to the floor and perpendicular to your bicep; in a leg extension, you would pause as your legs as extended straight in front of you.

...and so, to answer your question: I like isometrics. Incorporating them into your training IS a great, yet simple, way to help build muscle. since extending the time your muscle is under tension promotes growth. 

Try this: once you've finished your last set of bicep curls, take a lighter weight and hold in the said-position for 40-60 seconds. If you cannot maintain for 40, the weight is too heavy; if you can maintain for 60, the weight is too light.

Happy Holding,

Trainer Mark

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