Monday, June 15, 2009

Squats VS Lunges

Dear Trainer Mark,

If squats and lunges work the same muscles, do I really need to do both exercises?

Possibly Lazy

Dear Possibly Lazy,

Think back to the last time you performed an awesome set of squats and a gorgeous set of lunges; ok, now: think of the weights you were able to load for that awesome set of squats compared to that for that gorgeous set of lunges.

Be careful of the lightbulb above your head.

...and, in one little sentence, I think I've answered your question. 

But for a fully rounded - (rounded-like-your-butt) - rational, here is why: since both feet are planted firmly on the floor for squats, they allow you to lift heavier weights, thus bestowing you with greater strength and  - (MMMMMM) - size. Meanwhile, lunges are a more unstable exercise and require the glutes to work especially hard to decelerate your body as you sink down.

Sure, doing squats AND lunges in the SAME workout is most definitely brutal...but it also blasts enough testosterone to see you through a 2nd puberty. The best advice I can give is to do the squats first, followed by the lunges.

(Actually, I can also suggest that you start off with a 3 week training program of just squats, 3 sets of 6-8 reps, followed by another 3 week program where you do just lunges, again 3 sets of 6-8 reps. Once you've mastered this part of your muscle-verse, combine the two and feel the burn...aim high! I always love it when I require handrail assistance up a flight of stairs).

Go hard or go home,

Trainer Mark

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