Thursday, July 2, 2009

Get Results, But Sans (that's French for 'without') Your Normal Burnout

Oh waa-waa! We are all busy and have commitments that press us to hurry our training sessions. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a shortcut to having the body of an Adonis...there are, however, some effective lessons you can take with you to the gym floor, before running out to your oh-so important dinner party:

1. Fuel Up

Sugar isn't always the before you hit the gym, chug down some juice with a scoop of whey protein or grab a yogurt parfait - (yum!) - with granola and fruit. The concoction of carbs and protein will keep you going when otherwise you might say 'eff it' to the final few reps.

2. Intelligent Recovery

Don't rest on your laurels (aka ass) - after a hard, heavy set. Use your time at the gym to maximum benefit and combine pushing and pulling exercises, back to back, followed by a set for your core. While your body is resting from a pushing exercise (ie dumb bell shoulder press), you can give your shoulders a break whilst working a pulling exercise (ie pull ups). Cap it off with a plank or cable cross-overs or a host of other exercises and you're making a brilliant example of the superset philosophy.

3. Work E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G

By training all major muscle groups in every workout, you bolster the release of growth hormone and testosterone...which, as we all know, builds muscle and burns fat: WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! No matter what your workout regime may be - (3, 4 or 5 day split) - following this tiny trick of the trade will help you to reap the amazing benefits of what your body naturally stores for's just a matter of knowing how to tap it.

4. Be Like Lisa Kudrow, Parker Posey and Toni Collette

From here on in, you shall be a clockwatcher: after every sequence of push-pull exercises, rest for 2 minutes, slowing reducing the rest period every week by 15-seconds. By reducing the time you spend recovering, you push your body to limits like you've never experienced...and it's pretty freaking awesome. 

Remember, if properly conducted, a workout need not take you any longer than an hour, an hour + a quarter...TOPS! If you are someone who spends two hours flirting around the gym, quit being a Chatty Cathy or...hire me.

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