Monday, April 6, 2009

The Midnight Monster: First the Grab, then the GUILT

Dear Trainer Mark,

#1 question always on my mind: how do I stop eating constantly in the evenings? I'm so good all day and then once late night hits, you'd think I was an 800 lbs man with what I was stuffing into my face.

The (mentally) 800 lbs (wo)Man

Dear 800,

We've all done it and we've all hated ourselves afterwards for doing it: late night binges on everything and anything, brought on by a hard day at the office, an even harder day at home or just a general inability to control our midnight urges. Sometimes there is such comfort in useless, valueless food...albeit, however temporary that comfort may be.

So, how does one avoid the see-food diet and the oh-so gorgeous consequence of packing on the pounds?

Firstly, begin the battle in the grocery store - avoid bringing home the foods that tempt you most late at night. For me, it's cookies, cakes and cereals...clearly, I try to avoid cakes and cookies anyway, but what is so terrible about a bowl of Kashi Go-Lean before bedtime? What's terrible is that I'll eat the whole box - no joke; but, at least I know myself well enough that it's possible to avoid the 2500 calorie intake...and the pitiful state of climbing into bed to spoon my belly.

However, since NOT eating is clearly NOT the answer, we must approach the matter with knowledge, skillfully choosing what to eat during those post-dinner hours that are satiated with ominous temptations. 

The basis of my recommendations are rooted in 3 sources:

1. Water - dehydration is often mistaken for hunger, so pour the Brita before you attack the fridge...and don't forget to wait 15 minutes.

2. Fiber - provides you with a 2 for 1 deal: first it fills you up, then it cleans you out!

3. Protein - out of the 3 macro-nutrients (the others being carbs and fats), protein takes the longest to digest, thus leaving you fuller for longer.

Some sample snacks I recommend are:

- sliced apple with organic peanut butter (making sure to eat the skin, as it's highest in fiber)

- melon/berries with low-fat cottage cheese (high protein, high fiber, low fat, low calories)

- dried fruit, creates a more snacky feel than a piece of fruit as it's kind of like eating candy (remember to eat with water as the water is - duh! - zapped out of the fruit)

- high water foods, such as carrots, cucumber or celery (of course, these foods are as bland as a nunnery on a Friday night, so spice it up with some protein-packed, fiber-filled hummus or black bean dip)

- protein shake (couple of scoops of vanilla whey + berries + water = a very satisfying, tasty late night snack)

Hopefully, this new found knowledge, along with my suggestions, will help curb your appetite and curve your body...and if you discover any of your own tasty, healthy delights, let me know!

Trainer Mark

For added inspiration and perspiration, a little word from Marjorie Dawes of Little Britain:

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