Wednesday, April 8, 2009


If the old adage is true, you are what you eat, then a lot of us are in a lot of trouble!

We are consumed by a culture that requires us to eat as fast as we live - and often times, those fast food choices are not always the best.  With convenience comes the consequence of foods stripped of their original goodness and packed with sodium, sugar, fat and preservatives.  Try as the best of us might, sometimes it's just easier to grab a burger-on-the-run than it is to make a healthy homemade salad.

Fortunately, better options are being made readily available as the effects of food abuse have proven costly, both internally and externally. Obesity, poor skin, lethargy and the general accumulation of toxins - (which can lead to a host of other illnesses) - can be linked to a poor diet. With people taking a much more serious approach to what they put in their bodies, organic food providers are no longer an anomaly. 

One way in which people are cleansing their bodies of the aforementioned impurities is through detoxification. While it may not cleanse our innate filth - yes, Chelsea, I'm talking about you - it will certainly help to rid the body of what we have placed in it.

While there are many products available in health food stores to aid in the process, they are not necessary. A detox can be equally as effective by eating organic, high fiber food, drinking remedy elixers and plenty of water and exercising regularly. Typical plans can last anywhere from 3 to 5 days, though some can last up to 3 weeks! I would, however, only recommend a 21-day detox under the guidance of a registered dietician.

Of course, there are pros and cons to everything; though, in my opinion, the pros definitely outweigh the cons when it comes to body cleansings.


1. You may rid yourself of the desires that pushed you to do the cleanse, in the first place. After several days of clean eating, your appeal of heavily processed food begins to wane.

2. You may cleanse your body of toxins. Although the scientific proof backing this statement is lacking, if it is true, the health benefits can be great.

3. You may achieve TEMPORARY weight loss. Remember, detox programs are not weight loss programs - it is merely an added bonus for a job well done.

4. You may feel renewed and rejuvenated.


1. You may experience some unpleasant symptoms. Along with the obvious pangs of hunger, you may suffer fatigue, insomnia, weakness, headaches, dizziness and irritability.

2. You may have trouble doing the detox correctly. It is recommended to start with smaller ones, eventually building to the longer, more intense cleanses. It is always a good idea to research detoxification programs and seek professional advice.

...and if you're like me and cannot be bothered to do your own food prep, there are many companies that set you up on a program and provide you with your meals. Personally, I am a fan of They have a variety of programs which vary in length and goal, and the food choices are both expansive and tasty: yum yum!

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