Monday, April 13, 2009

On...Essential Fatty Acids

Pass the flax seed oil, please.

Not a normal turn-of-phrase, but it's a million times healthier than passing the butter or gravy or extra creamy, blue cheese salad dressing.

All of the items above contain FAT, but flax seed oil belongs to the family of ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS, essential in that the body cannot produce them on its own and, therefore, must obtain them from an external source. Essential fatty acids are broken into two subgroups, Omega-3 and Omega-6, commonly found in fish, seeds (flax/lin, pumpkin, chia and sunflower), seed oils (canola/rapeseed, hemp and soya), leafy vegetables and walnuts.

It's an odd notion to get our heads around, but including these essential fatty acids in our diets actually promotes weight loss. When the two substances combine, they become prostagladins, which are key in the process of calorie burning, as well as moderating cholesterol, body temperature, the immune system, brain functions and the cardiovascular system.

If you find it hard to include omega-heavy foods, I recommend picking up a bottle of Omega-3 + 6 from your local health food store...and to avoid picking up actual, ungrounded flax seed...unless, of course, you think your corn might like some company.

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