So many of my girlfriends come to me for advice on weight training, but always stress that they DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, want to put on ANY mass.
Okay, okay, I got you.
I hate to break it to you, ladies, but despite your very fair claim to being the superior of the species, weight training cannot and will not make you bulky and masculine. Since women do not naturally produce as much testosterone - one of the main hormones responsible for expanding muscle size - as men, the fear of packing on muscle mass by simply pumping iron is unfounded.
Unfortunately, the image that so many women have of a female gym-bunny is that of a professional female body builder, who may have gained such MASSive strides by means other than what most of you plan on doing. While they are to be commended for their dedication to their sport, with countless hours in the gym and adherence to the most meticulous diet, they do not represent what happens to the female form when it weight trains.
While we're on the topic of de-constructing female-centric gym myths, remember: muscle does not turn into fat, nor does fat turn into muscle; additionally, because fat does not turn into muscle, weight training does not increase your breast size - for better, or for worse (case specific!); and, lastly, working out hard does not entitle you to eat anything you want - training is only part of the equation, the other half being the maintenance of a healthy diet.
In other words, hit the weights, hit 'em hard...and don't worry about being mistaken for Arnold Schwarzenegger's twin sister.
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